
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Seals of the Archangels in the Munich Manual

The so-called Munich Manual is the Latin manuscript of a magical compilation dated to the fifteenth century, kept in the Bavarian State Library in Munich under the name CLM 849. A complete transcription and a partial translation has been published in Kieckhefer, Richard: Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer's Manual of the Fifteenth Century, Penn State University Press, 1998

  The seals of the archangels appear in a special section of the book called by Kieckhefer the Astral Magic Manual, closely related to the Heptameron, Liber Razielis and Liber Juratus in content and cosmology.    

The seal of Raphael
The seal of Gabriel
The seal of  Samael
The seal of Michael
 The seal of Satquiel
The seal of Anael
 The seal of Cassiel


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