This manuscript, brought to my attention by Daniel Clark if I`m not mistaken, caught my attention a long time ago when my palaeographic talents were nascent, mainly because of its magical diagrams, and did not pay much attention to it, but I believe it to be an important part of many puzzles.
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 263 is fully digitised and the images are in public domain. Although the quality is not as high as others, it is sufficient to be grounds for research, with a bit of adjustment.
The drawings presented in this article are raw, keeping the manuscript`s liniation. Once transcribed and reworked I plan to do a full restitution of the graphics at a higher resolution with clean background.
The writing is a late 15th century bastarda hand, very clean, constant and with little to no contractions or siglae, so a transcription should be fairly easy to produce.
This fragment is important in many ways
-it contains a version of the Pseudo-Baconian Thesaurum Necramantiae
-it contains many unknown diagrams that have obviously had a wider diffusion, such as the triangle in 271v, which seems as this is the origin of the magical triangle included in the Florentine Seal of Jupiter.
-it contains (261r) the names of the angels of the 15 fixed stars, a detailed omitted from the Quindecum Stellis as far as I know, so presumably the seals we all know and love, included those from Agrippa, actually belong to them.
Caput algol
Canis maior
Canis minor
Cor leonis
Cauda vrsema
Ala corvi
Cor scorpi
Vultur cadens
Cauda capricornj
Magical circle for operations
Characters for invisibilty
Characters for compelling a spirit to answer
Characters for obtaining visions
Characters for uncovering theft
Sigils of the Planetary Spirits
Sigills (magical squares) of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Sun. 270v.
Sigills (magical squares) of Venus, Mercury and Moon. 271r.
The seal of Amicables.
A seal used to pacify two parties.
Angelic characters of Gabriel, Racfier and Hamael
Divine names diagram
Magical mirror
Magical Circle.
For a comprehensive synopsis of the contents I am greatly indebted to Dr. Karin Zimmermann (Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg). Her full article can be found HERE. The list was edited and updated by myself, and added English translations.
-Regule Necessarie ad artem Magicam. Necessary
rules of the magical art. (257v)
-De Consecratione Gladij. Of
the consecration of the sword. (257v)
-De annulo. Of the
ring. (258v)
-De Sceptro. Of the scepter.
-Ad propositum. Of the
goal. (259r)
-Coniuratio Obedientiales. The
Conjuration of the obedients. (259v)
-Coniuratio astrictionis. The
forcing conjuration. (259vr)
-Si res erit pro furtu. For
stealing (?) (260r)
-Licentia. Charge.
-Forma Circuli. The
form of the circle. (260v)
-Expositio siue misterium nominis
[AGLA]. The explanation or the mystery of the name [AGLA].(260v)
-Nomina angelorum que presunt
faciebus signorum. The names of the angels that are set over
the faces of the signs. (260v)
-Nomina angelorum 16 (sic)
Stellarum prime magnitudinis. The names of the angels that are set
over the 16 stars of the first magnitude. The list contains the 15 Behenian
stars. (261r)
-Spiritus Somniorum. The
spirits of sleep. (261r)
-Spiritus Imaginationum. The
spirits of imagination. (261v)
-Experimenta Necromantica et primo
de Inuisibilitate. Necromantic experiments, and the first one, for
invisibility. (261r)
-Licentiatio Spirituum. The
charging of the spirits. (263r)
-Eduus [Equus?] Alberti Magni. The
horse [experiment] of Albert the Great. (263v)
-Secretum ad inueniendum Thesauros
absconditos. The secret pertaining to the discovery of hidden
treasures. (263v)
-Visio vnius Spiritus bonj. The vision of a
good spirit. (264v)
-Experimentum Inuisibilitatis. Experiment
for invisibility. (265r)
-Ad habendum Spiritum respondentem
ad omnia interrogata. To have a spirit answer to
everything it is asked. (265v)
-Alia visio. Another
vision. (265v)
-Visio personalis. A
personal vision. (265v)
-Licentia. Charge.(266r)
-Visio puerilis in Cristallo. A
vision in a cristal by means of a young boy. (266v)
-Licentia. Charge.(266v)
-Alia visio in phiala in die
veneris circa meridiem. Another vision, in a vial [of water], in
the day of Venus about noon. (266v)
-Licentia. Charge.(266v)
-Alia visio facilis in aqua. Another
easy vision in water. (267r)
-Experimenta ad Amorem. An
experiment for love. (267r)
-De Ruta. Of rue.(267v)
-Aliud experimentum. Another
experiment. (267v)
-Experimentum de vitinnibus
corilinis quibus Maxima secreta possunt explorarj. Experiment of
the hazel rod, by which great secrets can be explored. (267v)
- Ad manifestandum furtum. To
make theft known. (269r)
-Ad sciendum secreta. To know secrets.
-Ad amorem. For love. (269r)
-Ad sciendum mortem hominis egreti. To
know of the death of a man. (269v)
-Ad maritus citius mortatur Vel
vxor. To make a husband or a wife die sooner. (269v)
-Quedam in naturali magia Et
primo de Spiritibus 12 Signorum et Septem planetarum. Certain
things pertaining top natural magic, and first, of the spirits of the 12 signs
and of the 7 planets. (269v)
-Demones 12 Signis celestibus
subditj. The demons subjected to the 12 signs. (270r)
-Planetarum demones. The
demons of the planets. (270r)
-Intelligentie Planetarum. The
intelligences of the planets. (270r)
-Sigilla Spirituum
Planetarum. The seals of the spirits of the planets. (270v)
-Sigilla planetarum. The
seals of the planets. (270v)
-Figure amicabiles. Amiable
figures. (271r)
-Ad idem alio modo. For the
same, another way. (271v)
-Ad pacificandum duas Ciuitates. For
peacemaking between two paries. (272r)
-Ad facilitandum partum. For
easing childbirth. (272r)
-Imagines Ptolemej Et primo ad
congregandum serpentes. The images of Ptolemy, and first one,
for gathering snakes together. (272r)
-Vnium Impetentem reddere. For
returning one`s attack. (272r)
-Nauem Immobilem efficere. To
make ships stand still. (272r)
-Seras aperire. For
opening locks. (272v)
-Vt Canes non latrent. To
stop dogs from barking. (272v)
-Vt Equi stent. To make
a horse stand still. (272v)
-Arbores et Vineas destruere. To destroy
trees and vines. (272v)
-Serpentes fugare. To
chase away serpents. (272v)
-Vrsos colligere. To
gather together bears. (272v)
-Collumbas colligere. To
gather together doves. (272v)
-Instrumenta musicalia ligare. To
bind musical instruments. (272v)
-Muliere in probam Cognoscere. To
know a woman under suspicion. (272v)
-Amorem prouocare. To
entice love. (273r)
-Parietes et domos destruere. To
destroy walls or houses. (273r)
-Vt mulieres ludam. To
make women play. (273r)
-Grandinem incertis locis
prohibere. To stop hail from whatever place. (273r)
-Fabres inducere. To
make smiths (?). (273r)
-Coruos colligere. To
gather together ravens. (273r)
-Oues in uno loco detinere. To
keep eggs together. (273r)
-Focum destruere. To
quench a fire. (273v)
-Vt homines cantent. To
make men sing. (273v)
-Principem, bonum reddere. To
receive good things from a prince. (273v)
-Pisces capere. To
catch fish. (273v)
-Homines excetare. To
entice men. (273v)
-Homines denudare. To
make men undress. (273v)
-Vt mulieres cantent et ludent. To
make women sing and dance.(273v)
-Contra latrones et fures. Against
thieves and robbers. (274r)
-Vasa aque frangere. To
break a vessel of water. (274r)
-Ad ligandum Columbas. To
bind doves. (274r)
-Visio Junenilis in aqua. A
vision of a youth in water. (274r)
-Visio 27 Angelorum. A
vision of the 27 angels. (274v)
-Forma Speculi. The
form of the mirror. (274v)
-Ad Includendum Spiritum. To
inclose a spirit. (276v)
-Septuaginta duo nomina Dei Vera et
Justa. The 72 true and right names of God. (277v)
-Experimentum Securitatis Vt non
ledaris ab aliquo. An experiment of safety, that no one should
superseed you. (277v)
-Aliud experimentum. Another
experiment. (278r)
-Aliud experimentum. Another
A brief presentation was published at OmegaMagick.
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