Saturday 12 October 2024

The Seven Angelic Seals (French)

    Due to the support I`ve had from my Patreon friends, I was encouraged to keep posting there. Over the last weeks I have been working on these fragments, and although they were published there first, I believe it would be a great disservice to the study of magic to keep them restricted to my paying members. So when you read these prayers and admire these images (without downloading them and making crappy pendants to sell on Etsy, because the angels will curse you with urinary incontinence and toothache), please give thanks in your heart and minds to the people that support my work there.

    "Those are not the TRUE angels of the planets!!!"

    The majority of Western Esotericism draws upon Agrippa and when it comes to archangels and planetary spirits, the Heptameron (or rather, the Elucidarium) is the place to go. But the planetary angels described there are not the only angelic system of planetary attributions in existence.

    A small part of a manuscript penned in France in 1796 by the celebrated calligrapher (and most assuredly magician) F. Fyot was published in 2009 by Stephen Skinner and David Rankine under the name "A Collection of Magical Secrets and a Treatise of Mixed Cabalah" (translated by Paul Harry Barron, Avalonia Books). 

Due to limitations in technology at the time, the wonderfully colored seals of the 7 angels did not make it into print in a good form, and the text presented for each angel was strictly the Latin, with no translation offered, and it is no wonder that it went unnoticed for quite some time by most folks, even the ones ardently interested in angelic magic. As well, the Latin text did contain some errors, which I went out of my way to correct to the best of my possibilities, something that does not diminish the efforts made by Paul Barron in the slightest, given the immensity of the manuscript and its complexity. My thanks go out to David Rankine for permitting me to tackle these and allowing me to reproduce the text and provide a proper English translation for the first time and for his constant encouragements.


For the present material, I have isolated the seals, enhanced their quality, colored them in the original scheme, rubricated the Latin conjuration for ease of reading and provided my best translation, in parallel. 

Although the angels are attributed to the office of the days of the week, the order in which they appear is the Chaldean order (Saturn to Moon), which indicates an archaic source. The most perplexing thing about this list is the fact that the names do not match the classical list of angels and that Michael is neither the ruler of the Sun nor of Mercury, but Mars in all things!

I am indebted to two other people, namely M. Allcock and P. Donmoyer for te German versions, which will be dealt with in the next article. 

The full account of preparation and use of these seals can be found in the above-quoted work, pages 123-133. The Titles in bold are my own, as well as the Nota.


L`Ange de Samedi est Uriel,

Et voici son signe avec son caractere.

Priere de l`Ange.

The Angel of Saturday is Uriel,

And here is his Sign with his Character.

Prayer of the Angel:


Memento mei, Domine, qui ad similtudinem tuam creasti me, et dedisti mihi animam rationale ut cum Angelia intelligam, et in caritate tua maneam.

 Scio me esse indignum propteo mea scelera, et pavesco atque erubesco ante praesentiam tuam comparere; 

 sed confisus misericordiæ tuæ ad tei veltio quasi Cervus ad fontem aquarum, ut mittere dignere Sanctum Angelum tuum Uriel, qui me doceat et instruat, atque dicat quid facturus sum, et quid evitare et fugere debeam.

 Veni, Angele Dei, veni Uriel, et noli tardare, quia in te confido, in te spero per misericordiam Dei Creatoris tui et mei. Amen.


Remember me, Lord, who hath created me in Thy likeness and gave me a rational soul with which to understand the Angels, and allow me to remain in Thy love.

I know that I am unworthy on account of my sins and I tremble in fear and blush with shame to show myself in Thy presence;

 But trusting in Thy mercy, I turn to Thee as Deer to the spring of the waters, that Thou may deign to send Thy Holy Angel Uriel, who might teach and instruct me, and tell me what I am to do, and what I am to avoid and flee from.

Come, Angel of God, come Uriel, and do not delay! For it is in thee I put my trust, in thee I put my hope, by the mercy of God, thy Creator and mine. Amen.

 Nota: The sign contains the character of Uriel, the astrological glyph of Saturn and a band with the legenda: Uriel + Caritas Dei (The Mercy of God). This is more of an attribute or an office of the angel than a verbatim translation from Hebrew of this angel`s name (אוּרִיאֵל  - My light is God). This angel is well-known in the magical literature and apocryphons, being associated with Saturn in the Heptameron as well.  


L`Ange de Jeudi est Salatiel,

Et voici son signe avec son caractere.

Priere de l`Ange.

The Angel of Thurday is Salatiel,

And here is his Sign with his Character.

Prayer of the Angel:


Memento mei, Domine, qui confregisti ora Draconum, et cæcitatem David qui prævaricavit in conspectu tuo, in nummerando populum tuum,


ad quem misisti Angelum tuum Salatiel de Cælo, qui in ore gladii interfecit uno die quadraginta millia homines, et misertus fuisti David servi tui plorantis, et misericordiam tuam potentia;


ita et me famulum tuum et plorantem a te misericordiam petentem illuminare digneris per medium Angeli tui Salatiel, qui me custodiat, instruat, ac doceat secundum magnam misericordiam tuum. Amen.

Remember me, O Lord, Thou who broke the mouth of the Dragon, and the blindness of David, who transgressed in Thy sight, in numbering Thy people,


to whom Thou sent Thine angel, Salatiel, from the Heavens, who ran through the mouth of his sword forty thousand men in one day, and you were merciful to Thy weeping servant David, and granted the might of Thy mercy;


therefore, I as well, Thy servant, am weeping before Thy mercy and beseeching that Thou may deign to illuminate me my way of Thy angel Salatiel, that he might guard me and instruct me and teach me, according to Thy great mercy. Amen.

 Nota: The sign contains the character of Salatiel, the astrological glyph of Jupiter and a band with the legenda: Salatiel + Virtus Dei (The Virtue of God). This is more of an attribute or an office of the angel than a verbatim translation from Hebrew of this angel`s name (שְׁאַלְתִּיאֵל I have asked God). The name Shealthiel appears in the Bible as an exilarch, son of Jeconiah and part of the genealogy of Jesus, transcribed in Greek as Salathiel. Under the name Salafiel he passed into the Eastern Orthodox tradition of the seven archangels, originating as Selaphiel in the apocryphon "The conflict of Adam and Eve".


L`Ange de Mardi est Michael,

Et voici son signe avec son caractere.

Priere de l`Ange.

The Angel of Tuesday is Michael

And here is his Sign with his Character

Prayer to the Angel


 O Domine Deus Omnipotens, in cujus manu sunt omnia jura Regnorum, et quia est ille qui posit resistere voluntati tuæ!


Tu es ille de quo scriptum est: Sanctum et Terribile est Nomen ejus : Tu es ille in cujus manu sunt Claves Regni Cælorum et infernorum;


qui misisti Angelum tuum Michael pugnantem cum Dracone, et includentem et conculcantem eum in puteo inferni, sicut scriptum est per Johannem Apostolum in ejus Apocalysi, et clausit eum per annos mille.


Ita te Domine Deus humillime deprecor ut mittere digneris Angelum tuum Michael, qui cum manu valida sit fortitudo mea in omnibus meis negotiis peragendis pro salute animæ meæ, vel corporis mei.

Per infinitam misericordiam tuam. Amen.

O, Lord God Almighty, in whose hands are the judgements of all Kingdoms, and who art the only one who can resist Thy will!


Thou art the one of which it is written: Holy and Tremendous is His Name! Thou art him in whose hands are the Keys of the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell!


Who sent forth Thy Angel Michael to fight with the Dragon and imprison him and tread upon him in the pit of Hell, as it is written by the Apostle John in his Apocalypse, and bind him for a thousand years.


I therefore, Lord God, most humbly beseech Thee, deign to send forth Thine Angel Michael, who holds with a strong hand my fortitude in all of my doings regarding the wellbeing of my soul or my body.

By thy endless mercy. Amen  


Nota: The sign contains the character of Michael, the astrological glyph of Mars and a band with the legenda: Michael + Fortitudo Dei (The Fortitude of God). This is more of an attribute or an office of the angel than a verbatim translation from Hebrew of this angel`s name ( מיכאל - "Who is like God?"). The literature on this angel is the most abundant, so other comments would be superfluous, but the verses cited do evoke the martial nature of Michael as holy warrior and drakochton.  


L`Ange de Dimanche est Raphael,

Et voici son signe avec son caractere.

Priere de l`Ange.


The Angel of Sunday is Raphael

And here is his Sign with his Character

Prayer to the Angel

O Domine Deus omnipotens, qui Populum tuum fugientem de Ægypto deambulare fecisti per noctem illuminatam columna ignis ardentis, et per diem per nubem refrigerantem, et per medium maris rubri siccis pedibus comitatum per Angelum tuum,


et liberasti Tobiam filium Tobiæ de flumine, et a

Demonus Sathanæ, revertentem incolumen ad patriam et

domum suam, et cæcitatem patris sui illunasti,


fac, exoro, ut videre valeam misericordiam tuam per medium Raphael Angeli tui me comitantis.


Istam quæso, Domine Deus meus mitte Angelum tuum Raphael, qui me illumines omnibus diebus vitæ meæ, et sit custos mei, et instruat ac doceat me dormientem, per misericordiam tuam. Amen.


O, Lord God Almighty, who hath made Thy people fleeing from Egypt walk illuminated by night by a pillar of burning flame, and by day by a cooling cloud, and through the midst of the Red Sea with dry feet did Thou make them tread by thy Angel,


And who hath freed Tobias son of Toby of the river and of the demon Sathan, returning him safely to his country and to his home, and who hath healed his father`s blindness,


I do beseech that I may be able to see Thy mercy through Thy angel Raphael accompanying me.


This I ask for, my Lord God, send thy Angel Raphael, that he might enlighten me in all the days of my life, and be my safekeeper, and let him instruct and teach me while I sleep, through

your mercy. Amen.

Nota: The sign contains the character of Raphael, the astrological glyph of the Sun and a band with the legenda: Raphael + Medicina Dei (The Cure of God). It is for the first time that the attribute is a translation from the Hebrew ( מיכאל - "God has healed/ The cure of god"). The literature on this angel is the most abundant, so other comments would be superfluous, but the verses cited do evoke the martial nature of Michael as holy warrior and drakochton.  


L`Ange de Vendredi est Anatiel,

Et voici son signe avec son caractere.

Priere de l`Ange.

The Angel of Friday is Anatiel,

And here is his Sign with his Character.

Prayer of the Angel:


Memento mei Domine, qui dixisti ore tuo sanctissimo in quacumque hora petieritis aliquid a Patre meo dabitur vobis in nomine mea


potentiam tuam precor ut mittere digneris in hac nocte Angelum tuum Sanctum Anatiel qui me instruat et doceat circa ea, quid ad tui nominis gloriam sunt facturus, ut fugiam omnes adversitates Satanæ, qui sicut Leo rugit ut devoret animam meam:


Sed tu, O Domine misericors es et omnipotens, et hanc gratiam mihi largiri potes.


Veni, Angele Dei, et sis in comitatu meo, ita ut in tua presentia nullus inimicus mihi nocere valeat;


Veni et noli tardare, quia in te confido et spero per misericordiam Dei Creatoris nostri. Amen.

Remember me, O Lord, who saith with Thy most holy mouth: in whatever hour thou might ask something of my Father, it will be given to thee, in My name.


I beseech Thy power that Thou might deign to send this night Thy holy Angel Anatiel, who should instruct me and teach me about those things are made to the glory of Thy name, so that all the adversities of Satan might flee from me, who roars about like a lion to devour my soul.


For it is Thee, O Lord, who is merciful and almighty, and one who might grant me this grace.


Come, Angel of God, and be in my company, so that in your presence no enemy shall have power do do me harm;


Come and do not delay, for it is in thee I put my faith and hope, for the mercy of God, our maker. Amen.

Nota: The sign contains the character of Anatiel, the astrological glyph of the Venus and a band with the legenda: Anatiel + Potentia Dei (The Power of God). The title is an office of the spirit, not a translation of name. There are no concludent angels in the literature by that name, but is striking that the Canaanite goddess of love is Anat. Should this be a later evolution of other names such as Anachiel or Anaphiel, it would be farfetched to venture a hypothesis. 


L`Ange de Mercredi est Adoniel,

Et voici son signe avec son caractere.

Priere de l`Ange.

The Angel of Wednesday is Adoniel,

And here is his Sign with his Character.

Prayer of the Angel:


Memento mei, Domine, et miserere animæ meæ,


sicut misertur fuisti Abrahæ, qui secundum voluntatem tuam postponendo paternum amorem erga Isaac filium suum in monte, ilium offerebat in holocaustum omnipotentiæ tuæ,


et tu qui Pater omnium es, et ab summam caritatem tuam et amorem tuum misisti Angelum tuum Adoniel de Cœlo dicentem Abrahæ: diverte gladium tuum, quia Dominus tenuit te, et non pepercisti unico filio tuo propter me.


Ita Domine Deus Cæli et Terræ Conditor mittere digneris Angelum tuum Adoniel de Cœlis, qui me instruat in mandatis tuis, et ostendat mihi fugere malum, et quærere bonum. Per misericordiam tuam. Amen.


Remember me, Lord, and take pity upon my soul,


just as Thou were merciful to Abraham, who, according to Thy will, holding off his paternal love for Isaac, his son, upon the mountain, offered him as a whole burnt offering to Thy omnipotence,


and Thou, who art Father of all, from the heights of Thy mercy and love did send Thy angel Adoniel, saying to Abraham: Draw your sword off, for the Lord has held you, and spare your only son onto me.


(I beseech) therefore Lord God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, deign to send Thy angel Adoniel from the Heavens, who should instruct me in Thy commandments, and show me to flee from that which is evil and to seek that which is good. Through Thy mercy. Amen.

Nota: The sign contains the character of Adoniel, the astrological glyph of Mercury and a band with the legenda: Adoniel + Amor Dei (The Love of God). This is more of an attribute or an office of the angel than a verbatim translation from Hebrew of this angel`s name ( אדניאל- "My Lord is God"). This attribute is surprising to see on a mercurial seal, since love is more likely attributed to Venus. One angel Adonael is listed in the Testment of Solomon, one Adoniel on a jovian seal from the Clavicula Salomonis (Mathers edition, so it is subjected to doubt from my point of view) and one similar name is listed as a lesser angel in the Ars Paulina. I doubt that all these instances refer to the same figure. 


L`Ange de Lundi est Gabriel,

Et voici son signe avec son caractere.

Priere de l`Ange.

The Angel of Monday is Gabriel,

And here is his Sign with his Character.

Prayer of the Angel:


O Domine Deus omnipotens, qui pro salute generis humani misisti unicum filium tuum de Cælo, qui incarnatus est in ventre Beatæ Mariæsemper Virginis,


mediante accessu tui Angeli Gabrielis proferentis voluntatem tuam, et annunciantem incarnationem filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi, qui natus est, et nuntiatus est Pastoribus vigilantibus  semper gregem corum per medium Angelorum tuorum clamantium et dicentium:


Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax Ominibus bonæ voluntatis.


Ita rogo te, Domine Deus, ut mittere digneris Gabrielem Angelum tuum mihi nuntiantem voluntatem tuam pro salute animæ meæ, et quid facturus sum propter honorem meum. Per misericordiam tuam. Amen.


O, Lord God Almighty, who hath sent from Heaven Thy only Son for the Salvation of man kind, who became flesh in the womb of the Blessed Forever-Virgin Mary,


by way of Thine Angel Gabriel`s assistance, who speaketh Thy will, and who announced the embodiment of Thy son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is born and foretold to the shepherds who always guard over their flock by means of Thine Angels, crying out and saying:


Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will!


Thus I beseech Thee, Lord God, to deign to send thy Angel Gabriel to speak to me thy will for the salvation of my soul, and what I am to do for my honor. Through your mercy. Amen.


Nota: The sign contains the character of Gabriel, the astrological glyph of the Moon and a band with the legenda: Gabriel + Nuntius Dei (The Messanger of God). This is more of an attribute or an office of the angel than a verbatim translation from Hebrew of this angel`s name (  גַּבְרִיאֵל - "Man of God"). This is the only angel that corresponds to the classical hierarchies, and the literature on this name is quite abundant, as for Michael.

Sunday 8 September 2024

Book of Billet teaser


Why I don't post as much? I moved to Patreon, more or less. 

Yes, I know, you would support me, but you can t find the link. Although it s at the end of most posts I have and in the sidebar, sure. 

There s a join free option, but most posts are for paying members, and tiers start from 3$.   There are some free posts, but most are for the people that enjoy and repay my efforts. 

This is a taste of what I ve been publishing: excerpts from the Book of Byleth (Billet).  A set of 30 seals of the demons that answer to king Bileth, with their employments, two texts compared, Hebrew and Italian. 

Thre one above are the spirits sunjected to prince TALCOS: 

Ecco che siamo pronti per resuscitare morti

per risponderti a qualche cosa, che tu havrai

bisogno Commanda che subito sara`esequito.


Behold, that we are ready to revive the dead to answer you whatever thing you might have need of. Command and it shall be executed at once.

The endings in -os, like above-mentioned Talcos and others, like Baracelcos, might betray an Arabic origin. The Hebrew rendition by Rabbi Cohen did use a shin, so Talcos might be read Talkosh or Talkush, and Barabelcos might rear Barabelkosh or Barabelkush, since these are regular endings for shayateen in the Islamicate magical lore.  

This is seal 28 of 30. I wanted to publish daily, and I mostly did, but my current work environment makes this impossible. Join my Patreon and allow me to buy books and do similar studies to further knowledge in the field of medieval and Renaissance magic, because in time, all these will be made available for free, like all my books, on esotericarchives.   

Because there ARE new books to be bought. Have you seen what Skinner has published this past year and is announcing??? Holy smokes in an eathen brazier!

Please note that dick moves are severely ill-advised: becoming a payig member for 3 dollars to gain access and then deleting your pledge in a few days will get you permanently banned. A few people have done this and poverty is not the issue. 

Thanks :D 

Friday 29 September 2023

My work for free

 Starting today you can freely get my work, The Magical grimoire of Pope Honorius, on EsotericArchives:

Sunday 9 July 2023

Latest updates

 Yes, I am not dead nor am I sucked into the void beyond by malicious Old Gods. 

My recent workload has been immense, the time alloted to the blog and my Youtube channel slim to none. 

I did post in a consistent manner on my Patreon, however, the 24 mysterious seals from a Jewish grimoire, upon which I will expand more in a future article.  An article in it can be found on the most exquisite page Books of Magic.

 This is a small glimpse:

This is the Tenth Seal from our series of 24 seals belonging to the Baal Shem tradition, enhanced and isolated from the manuscript by me and translated by my friend, Rabbi Michael Yosef Cohen.
It belongs to the Month of Tebeth.
Its sign is Capricorn.
Its angel, Shaniel שניאל

What else?

I am working on a two video-series detailing the seven planetary pentacles of Athanasius Kircher.

Also working on a special Patreon video detailing the making of the cinnabar ink with traditional recipes, used to write talismans, books of consecration or characters, from the ground up cinnabar to the ink itself.

Also working on doing 3 videos on 3 books which are bound by me in personal copies, one for me and one for the author, in full calf: John R. King s Faculty of Abrac (In the Picture above), Dan Harms Book of Four Occult Philosophers and Frater Ashen s Gateways Through Light and Shadow.

And my laptop is currently on it s last breath and will only be able to make more videos once I earn more and bind more books and do less videos you know, the classic vicious circle.

Please be patient. Love you guys.